Want to do your bit, but don't know where to start? Set up an Eco Team

A New Year, A new start.

After a hopefully wonderful Christmas and New Year most people are wondering what this New Year will bring. Lots of good ideas on how we want to change or improve but don't necessarily know how to go about it. If that is you, why not set up an Eco Team with your street?

An Eco Team is a group of households (usually 6-8 in one street) who, for 6 months, commit to monitoring their habits with regard to waste, gas, electricity, water, transport and shopping.

EcoTeams are designed to help households reduce their environmental impact from energy and water use, household waste, transport and consumer behaviour. The aim is that, by measuring improvements, the household will be able to change its behaviour and play its part toward a cleaner, more sustainable future.

"An EcoTeam is not simply a discussion group, it is a practical workshop where words and thoughts are translated into action." says Karina Wells, the founder of EcoTeams in the UK.

EcoTeams are built upon a few simple principles:
Nobody can do everything, but we can all can do something
The work is shared by a group so that members can support and encourage one another and share experiences and ideas.

It's a step-by-step process that helps you to change your lifestyle by small adjustments that become good habits By measuring resource use, improvements can be monitored during the course of the programme. Not to mention the friendships that can be made with people in your neighbourhood you never knew were there! It simple and sociable (if that is what you want)

For more information contact: karina.wells@ntlworld.com