Eucalyptus oil Freshens & Cleans

It's the perfect natural freshener, ideal for the toilet, bathroom and sick room and for clearing stale smoke fumes. After cleaning bedroom cupboards, spray the floor and walls to get rid of musty or damp odours.

For those of you who have been troubled with slugs and other pests in the garden this year, you might find that this garden spray recipe is of help to you.
Garden spray:

Eucalyptus Oil 5mL (1 teaspoon)
Canola Oil 20mL (4 teaspoons)
Dishwashing Detergent 2mL (1 - 2 squirts)
Water 1 litre (5 - 6 cups)

Spray around seedlings and at the base of plants.
Repeat as necessary. Ideal for earwigs, slugs, snails and slaters. Do not store made up spray. Thoroughly wash sprayer after use.

More on this on magical oil

You might like to buy your oil from

I would definitively recommend having this oil in your collection .