Save Water for Free

If you fancy saving water and not spending a penny doing it, then get in contact with Severn Trent Water who are giving away save-a-flush. You pop the small bag into your WC cistern, they expand and displace about a liter of water. That’s a saving every time you do “spend a penny”!! You can order up to 4 save-a-flush bags which are designed to work in toilets installed pre 2001 (after that they should already be watersaving!).

The average household flushes 5000 times a year so thats a saving of 5000 litres!!!

Contact Severn Trent Water on 0845 603 4413 or via their website:

If you would like more details about saving water, and how the save-a-flush works, have a look at the Waterwise website: