How to make: Naan bread

Although this is not the authentic Punjabi recipe, it is quick, tasty and easy to make. An no waste is created.
This recipe makes 8 and is lovely with curry or soup.
250 gr self raising flour
2 tablespoons of whey or yogurt
1 teaspoon salt
115ml luke warm water.

Put flour, yogurt/whey, and salt in mixing bowl. Add the lukewarm water, a little at a time, working it into the flour with your fingers. Bring the flakes of dough together adding enough water to make a soft, slightly sticky dough. Knead for a couple of seconds, leave to rest for at least 15 mins in a warm place.

Flour your fingers and pull off an egg sized piece of dough, roll out very thinly and lay in a very hot frying pan, grill or griddle until it starts to puff up and becomes speckled. Then turn over for another few seconds. Repeat this for all the other naans.

You can add coriander, garlic, onion etc in the dough if you so wish